Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin and Blockchain Inventor Revealed by PR London Live

Genuine News about the REAL Satoshi Nakamoto

Charles Anderson (Charlie) from PR London Live finally has the go-ahead to unveil the Genuine The The Inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology – Satoshi Nakamoto.

Having invented a few masterpieces of technology himself, Charles Anderson M.Sc. became fascinated with Bitcoin and Blockchain technology several years ago and set out to accomplish what others had failed to do – Meet Satoshi Nakamoto and find out the real story behind why this remarkable technical genius Prefers to stay ‘underground’.

It soon became obvious why the journalists from around the world were failing miserably in their mission. The majority were searching through the Bitcoin or Crypto community. Satoshi is not now, and never has been among their number.

Both Charlie and ‘Satoshi’ have one thing in common – they both have great inventions they have not put their names to (for similar reasons to some extent – although Satoshi’s are much more complex and run far deeper).

Charlie traveled with ‘Satoshi’ to Davos, Japan, Thailand and both visited Singapore recently as part of an incredible project. Charles Anderson M.Sc. is an intelligent engineer and not easily fooled. As soon as he met this Pundit who has changed the entire world of finance forever, he knew there was no mistake. Nevertheless, Financial Journalists and quite probably Government Agencies around the world have failed to identify the genius behind this new technology which people are just beginning to wake up to.

After almost three years of trying to convince Satoshi to reveal his true identify, it has finally been agreed and a series of public events around the world will be staged by PR London Live.

Of course there will be many who prefer to think this cannot be ….. why now? Why after all these years? and so many more questions. There are too many to answer in a short space of time but please stay tuned to this channel and keep an eye on the website for details of what’s coming next. We will be arranging a major press conference and/or several conferences around the world wherever there is sufficient interest.

I must apologize in advance to all those who genuinely believe ‘Dr Craig ….’ but …. come on …. you knew … right?

Charles Anderson does not play games and anyone who knows him knows that if he says something is 100% you can bet your house on it!

We will keep the channel updated whenever there is anything significant to report. We are hoping to get the first meeting organised for March if not February. We are also looking at live interviews and Q and A sessions. Again please check here regularly or check the website.


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