Prominent ICO Filecoin (FIL) Dives 30% as Short Exposure Explodes

Yesterday, after years of waiting, Filecoin (FIL) finally launched, Funded by legendary venture capital companies like Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, and Union Square Ventures, the project is a blockchain-based data storage and data recovery network. Users can pay FIL to store their files on secure storage miners, which facilitate the network.

The project, like many other hyped-up coins, launched at absurd valuations. The cryptocurrency quickly spiked above $100 on the exchanges that supported it, meaning it had a fully-diluted market capitalization in excess of $200 billion — yes $200 billion.

Filecoin has begun to crash as investors have realized that it may be overvalued on a long-term basis. Short positions have been opened en-masse, driving the <span class="wpg-tooltip-term-title">Coin</span></h3><div class="wpg-tooltip-content">A coin is a unit of digital value. When describing cryptocurrencies, they are built using the bitcoin technology and have no other value unlike tokens which have the potential of software being built with them.<p class="wpg-read-more"><a href="">» Read more</a><p></div>”>coin dramatically lower on futures exchanges such as Binance and FTX.

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Filecoin Crashes on Top Exchanges

Filecoin has crashed dramatically since trading began yesterday on top exchanges such as Kraken, FTX, Binance, and many other exchanges. The <span class="wpg-tooltip-term-title">Coin</span></h3><div class="wpg-tooltip-content">A coin is a unit of digital value. When describing cryptocurrencies, they are built using the bitcoin technology and have no other value unlike tokens which have the potential of software being built with them.<p

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